Saturday 28 February 2015

Ladies, these are the signs to prove if that man is faithful to you.

There are many men out there who absolutely adore their partners and if you want to know if you are in the lucky percentage then look out for the following signs.

1. He only has eyes for you.
Have you ever gone out with your man and end up feeling embarrassed? There you are in the restaurant enjoying a meal and instead of tuning in to what you are saying his eyes are all over the place, sometimes lingering a little too long for your comfort. But if you end up with a sweetie who hangs on to your words like a lifeline, only has eyes for you and what’s more can hardly tear his eyes off you to talk to the waiter, then honey you have hit the jackpot in romance big time.
2. His friends know all about you.
We are not talking about the way men can brag about the loves in their lives no, nor brag about how curvaceous and hot their women are. No, we are talking about the fact his friends KNOW that he is head over heels and everyone better watch their tongues when they are talking about her. No disrespect will be tolerated. This is a serious man when it comes to commitment and being true.
3. He’s interested in your interests.
When a man is really into you and has no interest in anyone else then he’ll want to know everything about you and that means a better understanding of your likes and dislikes.
4. He’s open about his phone.
“Honey will you get the phone for me please!” he shouts from wherever he is as his cellphone rings. That’s a confident man who isn’t afraid you might answer to the wrong person on the line. What’s more, he leaves his phone lying around the place without a care in the world if you should get curious about text messages.
5. He does stuff for you.
If he does things like your laundry when you’re having a down day, or doesn’t mind going to the pharmacy to get your essentials, he’s a keeper who has nothing on his mind but you.
6. He’s always hot for you.
The minute you are near him, he is all hot and ready for you! You still have the ability to turn him on and keep him that way. Honey, you can bet your bottom dollar that more than likely he is not sampling anything elsewhere.
7. You’ve got a key to his place.
Men are protective of their domain. Face it, just because you are going steady and sometimes you sleep over, doesn’t mean he is going to give you unlimited access to his kingdom. If he has restless eyes, then you can count on the fact that he won’t be sharing his keys anytime soon as he doesn’t want any unexpected visits. If he cuts a key for you before you even ask, keep that man!
8. He doesn’t play mind games with you
If he says he will drop in to see you, he does. When he makes plans with you for the weekend, he sticks to them. He doesn’t torment you by saying one thing and doing something else. He’s not cold one instant and warm and affectionate the other. If his ex-girlfriend calls him, he tells you about it for the sake of honesty and not in a way that makes you uncomfortable. When a man plays mind games, it’s typically because he doesn’t really care, or because the relationship is casual for him. If your man makes a special effort to be honest and open, that’s a sign of his commitment to the relationship.
9. He’s always punctual
If he’s always punctual, he’s definitely into you. When a man is serious about his girlfriend, he will ensure that she doesn’t have to wait for an hour at the bus stop. He says he will pick you up for dinner and 8 p.m. and calls around 7.55 p.m. to tell you he’s stuck in traffic and will be 15 minutes late, he’s respectful of your feelings. He won’t ever have you hanging around the park for half an hour before he shows up. Most girls constantly find themselves waiting for their boyfriend’s phone call, or for him to pick them up. If you don’t find yourself in that position, you’ve got yourself a winner.

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